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reduce your electricity bills. If you pay more than
Rs 2000 a month, this is the solution for you.
frequent powercuts and wants relief from that.
your high electricity while also getting relief from powercuts
plant installed in
4 days
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Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into electric power with photovoltaic effect. Solar panels are made from silicon (most commonly) which can generate electricity if sunlight falls on it.
A grid connected rooftop solar system is a solar power system that is synced with the electricity grid. It generates electricity during the day which gets consumed in the building and excess gets exported to the electric grid. At night and during cloudy weather, the building will import electricity from the grid as solar power won’t be sufficient. The import and export of electricity will be measured by a bi-directional meter (called net meter).
Read more in our Reading Room.
In net metering, a bi-directional meter will measure the import and export of electricity between your solar power plant and the electric grid. At the end of the month, you will only be billed for the net of import and export, i.e. net billed units = Import-export.
For e.g. Assume your solar plant generates 100 units in a month. You consumer 50 units during the day and remaining 50 was exported to the grid. You import around 60 units during evening and nights. End of the month, your bill will only be for 60-50=10 units.